ANAC Webinar - Border Region

08/31/2021 12:00 PM CT


Frontiers in HIV Prevention: Nursing Perspectives


ANAC is continuing to grow and reach our members and affiliates near and far. To strengthen our reach and inclusivity efforts, ANAC created a new member benefit: virtual regional meetings! Virtual regional meetings are intended to encourage engagement and networking for all ANAC members across regions, including those that are not affiliated with a local chapter, to discuss and exchange information on specific topics and issues. This initiative will not replace local chapters or cross chapter collaboration.

Join 2 leading experts for an interactive program focused on exploring current and next-generation PrEP options for HIV prevention. Nursing considerations for optimal implementation of prevention strategies and individualized care of persons at risk of acquiring HIV infection will be highlighted. You are encouraged to invite friends and colleagues in your region to participate.

  • Faculty and faculty credentials:


Kendrick T. Clack, MS, APRN, FNP-C, AAHIVS

Learning Objectives

  • Appropriately counsel persons at risk of HIV infection on the optimal use of approved agents for PrEP.
  • Incorporate the latest data and expert insights on emerging prevention paradigms into the individualized care of persons at risk of HIV infection.
  • Describe the mechanisms of action, efficacy and safety of investigational PrEP agents in advanced stages of clinical development.

Register now

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. This webinar is jointly provided by the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and Clinical Care Options, LLC.

ANAC will provide 1.0 contact hour, including 1.0 hour of pharmacotherapeutics content for the successful completion of this event.

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